The Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA) was founded in 1980. We are an official local chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. The membership includes all those interested in neuroscience research from molecular and cellular neuroscience, through invertebrate neurobiology to mammalian and human brain and behaviour.

The purpose of the Association is to (1) advance our understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system, (2) bring together neuroscience researchers, both faculty and students from nearby universities, (3) provide opportunity for promotion of neuroscience education, (4) and to provide an opportunity for social contacts among researchers and their students.


2025 MEETING: We are pleased to announced that the 43rd annual meetinng of the Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, will be held on May 2, 2025 at Western University. Additional information will be posted here in late 2024 or early 2025. Please subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when additional information becomes available.

2024 MEETING: The 42nd annual meeting of the Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, presented by Turner Scientific Monitoring, wad made possible in part thanks to the generous support of our sponsors:

[ SONA sponsor logos ]



The Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association (SONA) is an official local chapter of the Society for Neuroscience